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See your decision and estimated monthly payments right in the app.

Compare equipment costs to expected revenue with predictable monthly payments.
Choose terms that make your dream a reality.
Cost of the Trailer:


Monthly Payment:

as low as $200/mo with Clicklease

Plus icon with blue background
Cost of the Mower:


Monthly Payment:

as low as $300/mo with Clicklease

Plus icon with blue background
Cost of the Equipment:


Monthly Payment:

as low as $156/mo with Clicklease

Plus icon with blue background

Here's how it works

Woman looking at her phone while standing beside her workbench with half assembled chair

Find The Equipment

Clicklease partners with thousands of sellers around the country. If your preferred seller is not one of our partners, we can sign them up in minutes.

Apply with Clicklease

Complete our easy application.  There's no risk and won't affect your credit.
Woman filling out clicklease get started form on her computer
woodworker looking at her laptop

See your estimated monthly payments right in the app

Get your automated approval decision in second. See your approval and estimated monthly payments right in the app

Pick your Payment.

Our custom payment plans make getting equipment fast, easy, and affordable
Woman holding a yellow pencil working at an art desk
Woman examining a piece of wood she has been woodworking

Get Equipment

We pay your selected seller directly for the equipment, so you’ll get the equipment just as fast as if you paid cash.

Choose Your Payment Plan.

Get personalized payment terms and approval amounts through Clicklease. We use our proprietary system to approve more customers: in seconds, and at higher amounts. Choose a fast, easy, and affordable plan that fits your business.
Woman holding a yellow pencil working at an art desk

Find Your Equipment

Find the equipment you need. Clicklease partners with thousands of sellers around the country. If your preferred seller is not one of our partners, we can sign them up in a few minutes.
Woman looking at her phone while standing beside her workbench with half assembled chair

Apply with Clicklease

Complete our easy 8-question application to get your financing. There's no risk and won't affect your credit.
Woman filling out clicklease get started form on her computer

Get Approved

Get your automated approval decision in seconds - the fastest in the industry. See your approval amount and estimated monthly payments right in the app.
Select your payment options lease amount examplea woman working on a laptop in a workshopexample of being approved

Get Your Equipment & Get Started.

We pay your selected seller directly for your equipment, so you’ll get the equipment just as fast as if you paid cash. The equipment seller will get your equipment delivered right away.
Woman examining a piece of wood she has been woodworking
Ready to Apply?
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Looking to offer Clicklease to your customers?
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The Clicklease Advantage.

All Credit Scores Welcome

Pick Your


Instant Decision
Up to $30,000

No Hard
Credit Pull

No Documents

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Clicklease makes your business possible.

See how small business owners thrive with Clicklease.

Get Started With Clicklease

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We Love Our Customers

“Easy application and quick instant decision. Clicklease will always be an option for me.”

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Anna Dzyewycki

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